When pro-choice means not only “right to choose” but also “Think of the damn kids for a second.”

I think it’s natural that people will see a book cover heading this post and assume, “This chick’s trying to sell her book again.” It’s a safe assumption, because I am. But for a reason. The whole thing was written for a reason. (Please indulge me.) “I would never want a book’s autograph. I am … Read more

Self-Publishing “Lacks the Cool Factor”? But, Hasn’t Independence Always Been Cool?

Note: This post was originally published at my old website location, but my opinions haven’t changed, so I moved it here. I don’t know whether Edan Lepucki’s opinions have changed.- K In “Kill the First Novel? Are You Insane?” I responded to author Edan Lepucki’s decision to semi-permanently put away her first novel after it … Read more

Forget FOMO–What about FODIW?

When a friend told me recently that she’d been judged for enjoying alone time when her kids spent summers with their dad, I worried—about myself. Had choosing not to parent meant I’d doomed myself to a life free from arbitrary and unwarranted criticisms? Sure, there’d been the occasional, highly conspicuous side-eye because I was a … Read more

kristen j. tsetsi