Scare Tactics & Lies: How women are lured into making babies (Part I of II)

“I shouldn’t say never but I’m dreading motherhood.” I saw that tweet years ago and haven’t been able to forget it. It sticks with me because I used to feel that way. In my first post-high school relationship, as a girlfriend to the guy who’d become my first husband before I turned 20, I sensed … Read more

My dad’s death made me explore the idea of childfree “regret” & “dying alone”

But I didn’t change my mind about kids One of the questions frequently posed to childfree people is a two-parter: A: “What if you regret it?” B: “Aren’t you afraid of dying alone?” My reason for not wanting kids was so simple (I just didn’t want to be a parent) that those weren’t questions I … Read more

kristen j. tsetsi