5 On Moving to Jane Friedman’s Blog

Not too long ago, I started 5 On because I wanted to find a way to connect people who have a certain amount of experience with people who might learn or benefit from that experience, and I wanted to do it in an informal, entertaining way.

I sent an interview invitation and an explanation of 5 On to a list of writers from my address book, and responses started coming within the hour, one after the other saying “Yes.”

Most gratifying about working on this series, from the beginning, has been the willingness of so many to take the time to answer questions about their writing, their rejections, how they deal with editors, their views on publishing today, their promotional efforts good and bad, and even their own insecurities, for a website (this one) that’s still pretty new and not all that well traveled.

If there had been anything else I could have asked for, it would have been more readers for the interviews. There’s some good stuff there! Good, helpful, encouraging, relatable stuff! Definitely deserving of more of an audience than I was managing on my own.

I couldn’t have been more stunned or more excited, then, when Jane Friedman invited 5 On to be a series on her own blog – an invaluable, highly respected resource for writers and publishers.

And so, here we are. I’ll still be conducting the interviews, but they’ll be in a new location. And I’ll have that location (specific link) for you soon. As soon as I have it myself.

Until then, please come back here or follow me on Twitter for 5 On updates.

Happy trails!






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kristen j. tsetsi

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